Tuesday, September 7, 2010

a little sunny

september 7th, 2010

Wells, Boys and Girls, it was like 1/4 to 1/3 sunny at daybreak.

The courageous Reporter went to get, in view of the weather a pair of her fav sneakers at Autour du Monde, rue de seine.

She got them in awfully chic navy, see below

It's just that the Reporter, contrarily to what might be thought, the Reporter, in all wisdom, finds that anything which is scented from parochial school, appears to her, in a subtle way, eminently sexy.

We are not talking here of what Madona did to free the catholics. We are talking of this subtle allure of the parochial school elegance, like navy skirts and white shirts. Probably because the Reporter was not born into a catholic family but in a loose, liberal thinking and frugal french protestant one. The french protestants are very different from their american counterparts.

First they are a minority, then they tend to think that church attending is not that important. But talking and giving advice to God is paramount to them. In one word, they can be very zen like which is why they tend to become buddhists after a while.
They are an interesting bunch and I think there's less and less of them.

There are a bit like the colors of lip stick, the good ones tend to disappear.

But we digress. So the Reporter never having gone to a parochial school with navy skirts, tended to regret that, so with the pressure of Dear Old Friend [ not a protestant that one ] she sent her children to a parochial catholic school which had the desirable effect to instill in them a sane rebellious spirit. Again the kids have been unintentionally blocked from commenting on that page too. The Vatican has enough problems as it is.

So she got herself a nice pair of navy sneakers in the parochial spirit.

Then she went home as she had to prepare herself to get on a flight to Perigord, la maison decrepite, [ i.e. The Decrepit House ] since the trains were on strike as they should be, in france.

So she stopped again at her purple fav flower shop to admire and cry, seeing that she might never create on her own such beauty :

and here, just closer,

So, next posting will be from la Maison Decrepite,
with love and sneakers,
the Frog

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