Sunday, June 27, 2010

very little

june 27th, 2010

To be truthful, dear Readers, the Reporter has nothing to report.

There are days like that where life is so uneventful that you could cry.

Forget that the oil is pouring like blood in the Gulf of Mexico, or that banks evict people from their home. LIfe in the Alps is just slow.

There is one excellent piece of news though, in Lakemoor, Ill., Police said a 30-year-old woman apparently fell out of a third-story window, landed on her parked car, and then walked into a neighbor's house, where she fell asleep on a couch for two hours.

That gives us the perspective that life is after all " un long fleuve tranquille " or " a long quiet river " and that is good.

As a perspective, here is one new oil, even if it looks like a precedent one, that one is really new

And this one is the finished one,

And the conclusion is of course that if you fall from the third floor, always fall on your own car.

With love from the alpine elevated ground floor,
the Frog

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